Thursday, June 21, 2012

Living Things by Linkin Park - My Review

I've always loved Linkin Park's music. Somehow, it always manages to hit the right notes, everytime. While A Thousand Suns and Minutes To Midnight might not have been their best work, they weren't all that bad. Some numbers were really good - Iridescent, Leave Out All The Rest, Robot Boy etc. all left me looking forward to Linkin Park's next album and here it is - Living Things

Track 1:
Lost In The Echo

Instantly grabs your attention. Maintains a constant pace, pleasant on the ears.
Lines that caught my attention:
"Promises broken deep below,
Each word gets lost in the echo"
Sets a good tone for the entire album.

Do I Like? Yes!

Track 2:
In My Remains

Appears like Linkin Park overdid the scratching in the beginning of the tracks on this album. But they more than make up for it later. Typical Linkin Park, starts slow hits a high note and goes right back down only to hit you back again.

Standout Lines:
"Digging through the wreckage of your disregard
sinking down and waiting for a chance to feel alive"

Do I Like? Yes! 

Track 3:
Burn It Down

Don't mistake it for some Nintendo Video Game at the start. A reasonable song. Nothing much to write about.

"So when you fall, I'll take my turn
And fan the flames
As your blazes burn"

Do I Like? Not so much.

Track 4:
Lies Greed Misery

If you've been wanting to vent some frustrations about someone for a while now, look no further. In vintage Linkin Park style, this song will get your blood rushing and makes sure you blow off some steam. Boy have I missed Chester's screaming. Fast paced, angry. Just the way I like it!

"I wanna see you choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery
Choke on your lies
Swallow up your greed
Suffer all alone in your misery"

 Do I Like? Definitely!

Track 5:
I'll Be Gone

This is going to be one song you're going to hear a lot of over the next few months. Turn up the volume, blast this in your Living Room, Car, anywhere! A song Linkin Park fans will truly cherish! Fast, loud, yet controlled vocals, a very hummable tune. A rhythm you will truly appreciate. We have a winner here.

"Across that horizon
This sun is setting down.
You're forgetting now,
It's time you let me go,
Let me go."

Do I Like? Yes, indeed!

Track 6:
Castle of Glass

If you've ever felt downsized, ignored and feel that no one else knows how you feel, give this song a listen. It's slow for the most part and picks up towards the end.The chorus is just spellbinding.

"Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Hardly anything there for you to see.
For you to see"

Do I Like? Yup

Track 7:

Wait, what just happened? Mike Shinoda constitutes the only sanity in this track. Chester screams his way to the roof! The most aggressive Linkin Park track yet. Short but enough to leave you startled if you know how Linkin Park were all these years.

There were barely any lines to choose from in the first place!

"No regret for the confidence betrayed
No more hiding in shadow
Cause I won't wait for the debt to be repaid
Time has come for you."

Do I Like? Not So Much

Track 8:
Roads Untraveled

Don't be put off by the scratching in the beginning. It's a beautiful song which grows on you everytime you listen to it. A slow, melodic, grandiose and swelling number. Shinoda and Chester work in perfect harmony.  My personal favourite in the entire album.

"'Cause the love that you lost
Wasn't worth what it cost
And in time you'll be glad it's gone"

Do I Like? Two Thumbs Up for this one!

Track 9: Skin To Bone and Track 10: Until It Breaks
 These two tracks really put me off. I didn't even bother to listen to the entire songs. The scratching overlaps the vocals.

Do I Like? Absolutely Not

Track 11:

An instrumental. Slow and morose.

Do I Like? Yes

Track 12:

 Starts with a familiar tune I am unable to put my finger on at the moment. The 2nd best song on this album in my opinion. Another slow melodious song depicting how someone is helpless when someone they know is going through self destruction despite doing everything in his/her power to help. Ends very well with a good high note.

"You Held It All,
But You Were Careless
To Let It Fall"

"You woke the devil.
that I thought you left behind."


"I watched you fall apart and chased you to the end.
I'm left with emptiness that words can not defend"

Do I Like? Absolutely

Overall View: Linkin Park has definitely got a winner here. Look forward to hearing more of I'll Be Gone a lot more in the coming months.

NOTE: I am no musician. Just an avid follower of Linkin Park's music. Some terminologies may note be accurate. But I hope I have got the message right.


I sit carelessly on my chair,
Feels like someone’s there.
I look around,
Not a soul to be found.
I must be getting bored,
Such things are best left ignored.
The door slowly closes,
And I get the faint smell of roses.
The lights begin to flicker,
And the fan begins to err.
The curtains grow restless,
The dogs howl outside in the darkness.
Someone’s over my shoulder,
It slowly becomes colder.
I hear a giggle near my ear,
And it’s coming near.
The laughter gets eerily shriller,
And the room grows chiller.
I feel someone flit through my hair,
Who is it? With whom this room I share?
My neck, pounded by a cold breath,
Am I being visited by death?
I feel sweat on my brow,
I have icy cold feet by now.
I lie face down on my bed,
Am I alive or am I dead?
I gather the courage for one glance,
It might be my only chance.
In a second, my whole life flashes through,
Oh no, it can’t be, it’s you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


The eye cries,
The soul slowly dies.
The mind sparks,
The mouth talks.
Life retreats,
The heart beats.
We close our eyes,
And we wake.
We live to die,
We laugh till we cry.
We love till we hate,
We sleep till we wake.
We save to spend,
We begin knowing it will end.
We are weakened to turn stronger,
Everything is short lived to last longer.
Things are made to be broken,
Understanding the unspoken.
We hold on only to let go,
We know more than we'll ever show.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


I hear your voice break,
But I am of no help to you.
And I sound so helpless,
When I try to get you through.
I curse myself,
And question the bond we share.
How can I be so useless,
When you could do with a little care?
I try and make the tears stop,
I try and make them come to an end,
How can I be so pathetic?
How can I dare to call myself a friend?
Wish I could hold you in my arms,
And hug you tight,
And make you understand,
That you aren’t alone in this fight.
I wish I could lean down,
And whisper in your ear, “It’s okay”,
But alas,
You are distant and far away.
I try my best,
But it’s never enough.
For never has a test,
Been so tough.
Now I fear that a promise I made,
Is broken every time you cry,
And will end up,
As nothing, but a worthless lie.
Yet, I will never quit,
For if you ever feel alone,
A patient ear is only as far,
As the nearest telephone.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

When You Must Go

Life is full of uncertainties. We come across so many people from such diverse walks of life that it becomes hard to keep track of them. But in these many, some stay for a while, some for longer and some will stay by our side forever. But there exist very few people who come, touch our lives and then leave. All make tall claims to 'always stay in touch', but reality is few stay in touch, most don't. Coping with such a loss is painful. Hope tells you that things will not change, that the relationship will always stay the same. But reality is, for most folks:

"Out of Sight =  Out of Mind"

But even to this, there are exceptions.

When you realize and notice that the one person who was beside you all this while is no longer around. You feel this strange emptiness. A rather strong feeling of helplessness. The moments you spent together were a dream then, but they're your worst nightmare now. They remind you of all the places you've been to and the things you used do together. Locations have a remarkable ability to trigger recollection of even the most distant memories in remarkably vivid detail. Revisit the places you frequented and you'll see the person there. You reach out for that reassuring touch but are then disappointed after you realize it was a mere projection of your optimism, your hope. Even the simplest tasks become excruciatingly difficult to complete without seeing a flashback of the past events. But in all this hurt and pain, there is a positive. In all of this darkness, there is a light.

"Be Glad That It Happened, Don't Regret That It's Over"

Yes, we've all heard that before and only those who have experienced a loss know how hard it is to implement. The problem here is in the perception. Think of it this way:

"Nothing Ever Ends, It's Just The Beginning Of Something New."

Think about it, this is the truth. Though the person has left, the relationship is not over. It's just taken a new form. Everything is life is like energy, it is neither created nor destroyed, it just undergoes change from one state to another.

In the case that a person is shifting base, the only thing that is going to chance is HOW you communicate with that person. If the bond is strong and the other person reciprocates appropriately. There is nothing that will stop you from staying in contact. Then the age old counter:

"I Will Not Be Able To See The Person Anymore"

True to an extent. But if you are reading this article, you have solution right under your nose. Hook up to a webcam, get Skype and you're good to go. As for everything, the first step is TRYING. Keep trying and eventually it becomes a habit.

"Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way."

The person didn't respond? Don't lose hope, there's always a tomorrow to try again. Always keep in mind that the other person misses you as well and waits for your reassuring voice when he/she has had a bad day. If the relationship is meaningful, the person would want to double your happiness and halve your sorrows. Don't think of the person not being around physically as a barrier, look at it as a reason to keep in touch more often.

Miss the person? Say it! Want to meet the person? Do it! Want him/her to meet you on your birthday? DEMAND it! This way, you will reassure the person that nothing has changed and that he/she is still your best friend.

Life is all about interpretation. How you interpret a situation reflects on how you handle it as well.
And with anything, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Riding - A Passion

How far is too far on a bike? 100km? 200km? 1000km?

The answer to this question varies from person to person. But. for a person for who riding is a passion, no place is too far, no region too remote, no terrain to difficult to conquer.

This group of humanity feel more alive when they are astride their bikes than any other activity. Simply because the thrill of winding roads, throttle in hand, engine gurgling underneath can only be understood by them. Where every day is a challenge. Every corner an opportunity and every ride, an experience.

Where a bike is not a materialistic object but something of substance. It too has a life and will treat you just the way you trust it. Every bike is unique, every bike is amazing in its own way. Eventually, the bike becomes a part of your personality. It becomes of part of you.

There is a lot more to riding that just high speeds. The best feeling is when you manage out brake someone and snatch the lead heading into a corner or just out manoeuvre them. Riding is more about how you ride than what you ride. There is a certain aggressive excitement when you manage to take a corner faster than you have till date. Some may call it being crazy. But again. very few will understand that energizing feeling. For below the placid surface, there exists this desire, almost a rage to better yourself at every outing. For the only healthy competition can be with yourself. Where man and machine become a single entity. Leaning into a corner, trusting your own skill and having faith in the ability of your beloved machine. For a teetotaller, this is his daily dose of intoxication. For there is no feeling more invigorating that getting the perfect launch, gear change absolutely spot on, perfect braking, et al. This breed of people are not road racers, not at all. But everyday, they are embroiled in a constant battle with themselves to outdo their previous best. After all, all it takes is a corner to separate the men from the boys. A rider on the track is a rider at heart too. He doesn't seek thrill as much as he seeks skill. For riding, to them, is an art. Where one learns that one must not just overtake, but must takeover.

You could be on a simple RX100, an R15 or an R1, if you treat your machine with respect and enjoy every single kilometer you spend on it. You have my respect.

Saturday, June 2, 2012



When the tales reach an unintended ear,
And arrive at an unintended mind,
One cannot help but fear,
Just who will be left behind?

When the tales gather voice,
And a keen ear listens,
One is forced to question his choice,
And a much delayed altercation beckons.

Alone at first are the humble,
While the pompous enjoy the majority,
But in time, he does stumble,
Weakened then, are his ego and popularity.

Yet humbly, the other marches on,
Quickly gathering favour,
As the pompous’ face grows long,
And his following loses vigour.

Silently, the humble grow strong,
But show it not,
Prepared to wait however long,
And not appearing distraught.

Waiting to strike in silence,
When least anticipated.
As those regarded for patience,
Do what would be most unexpected.

To do what one must do,
To destroy the ego and pride,
And to show you,
How pathetic you are inside.

One Hand Today Is A Thousand Tomorrow

If there's one thing I believe in very strongly, it has got to be Karma.

Somehow, everything is a cycle and somehow everything eventually comes back to you. The good, the bad and the ugly, what goes around, will sooner or later, come around as well.

People always question me as to why I help others so much. Sometimes even going out of my own way to make sure people around me are happy. Well, fact is, if I am doing something for someone, that person means something to me. And if I am going out of my way to help a person, that person means a lot to me and when I help these people and I see them happy. I in turn, feel happy too. Sure, I lost a few brownie points in the responsibility section in everyone's eyes. But that is not what counts. What matters more is that there is a person who is now happier, because of me. I don't do it for the credit, I do it for the satisfaction. For there may be a 1000 reasons for a person to be upset, but there exist a million ways he can make himself happy. And if I have, even to the extent of a fraction, made someone think the same way, I am proud of myself. At first it sounds ludicrous, seeking happiness in the happiness of others. But think about it, when the person who means the world to you feels happy, you have a reason to smile as well. Moreover, you have a bigger reason to be happy because you effected that happiness. Life has taught all of us many lessons, but none may be as important as 'offering a helping hand'. As far as helping people who don't deserve it goes, it doesn't really matter. As long as your conscience is pure and you have no ulterior motive, you will never expect anything in return as well. For the very joy of helping someone is enough to keep you satisfied. Anything returned is a bonus. So help, as much as your heart, mind and soul allow you to. For you extend one hand to help today, a thousand will be extended when you need it tomorrow.