Saturday, June 2, 2012



When the tales reach an unintended ear,
And arrive at an unintended mind,
One cannot help but fear,
Just who will be left behind?

When the tales gather voice,
And a keen ear listens,
One is forced to question his choice,
And a much delayed altercation beckons.

Alone at first are the humble,
While the pompous enjoy the majority,
But in time, he does stumble,
Weakened then, are his ego and popularity.

Yet humbly, the other marches on,
Quickly gathering favour,
As the pompous’ face grows long,
And his following loses vigour.

Silently, the humble grow strong,
But show it not,
Prepared to wait however long,
And not appearing distraught.

Waiting to strike in silence,
When least anticipated.
As those regarded for patience,
Do what would be most unexpected.

To do what one must do,
To destroy the ego and pride,
And to show you,
How pathetic you are inside.

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